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Discussion #140


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North Yorkshire Council replacing the eight county, district and borough councils in North Yorkshire, what this change means to us, residents?

All the public services provided in our council will be provided by North Yorkshire Council from the 1st of April 2023, it is announced and promoted as cost saving option to provide the same services by joining up-to-end duplications, making support services stronger and fit for the future and fund local decision making.

According to the news, there will be a main office in every district with access points across North Yorkshire for residents with continued face-to-face and help & advice. I am aware there will be a single website and contact number with a local councillor serving each area but doesn't this mean we may lose our direct access to the decision-making process since all the 8 areas being collaborated are going to act like a committee deciding on matters?

Something that is vastly important to us may not seem very significant when a larger area statistic is taken into account and how we will be sure our matters will be addressed correctly. This recent news will create a lot of confusion and I do not think it will be beneficial in the long run unless a very robust system is implemented to make sure all issues are treated with equal importance regardless of the proportionate reflection on statistics of the whole area this new council will serve.

What local services are most important for our need to be safeguarded and properly informed to the new council committee for gaining focus on them. Although some campaigns are being prepared to take our opinions my concerns are still standing. Our councillor who will be the only one to represent us in the conversations gain a very important role from now on and I expect the councillor to hold more interactive communications with us. There is a local event of talks in relation to these planned changes on 7 November 2022 at Hawes Community Cafe, we have 24 councillors and I am still to know which single councillor will represent our interest in the new council that is being formed.

If you know more about this please share the information with me, it will be appreciated.


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