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Health Training Clinic in at Navigation House

I had a few years of drinking problems the issue was raising alarm bells, and being ashamed to share this with family and friends it was nearly impossible for me to also discuss it with anyone involved in my life. A friend has advised me to go to a Health Training clinic the district council arranges for the public to access for more information on healthy eating, stopping smoking, weight control and drinking awareness. I did not consider it would be worth visiting initially but I was wrong, lovely, kind and supportive health advisors referred me to a specialist group for an evaluation then they prepared a full plan for me to take control of my life back. This support immensely affected my progress and I must say the council's arrangement for these clinics is very valuable for the public. Attend and talk to advisors, they are truly helping and supporting you.

Also, virtual online programmes to get fit is available if you would like to participate, lasts ten weeks and is completely free to sign up for. North Kesteven District Council Health Trainers make sure residents have access to resources to improve their health and boost their happiness, while making positive lifestyle choices is more important than ever.



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